A Call to Cthulhu cover cover

A Call to Cthulhu

Titan Comics 2023
hardcover 48pp

When Cthulhu, the Great Old One, receives a phone call in the middle of the night, he is not prepared for the conversation that is about to take place.

Part comicbook, part artbook, part unsuitable for children storybook, A Call To Cthulhu is a quick irreverent trip through the stories of HP Lovecraft. If you’re not familiar with his work, this book is an introduction. If you are already familiar, you’ll recognise all the stories anew!

Winner of the 2024 Aurora Award for best comic/graphic novel

Also available in a French edition from Black River Comics.

Available to order wherever you buy your books or comics or in Norm's online shop.

The Cats of Ulthar

Giant penguins!




“...each illustrative section is a perfect visual summation of the atmosphere of individual Lovecraftian stories...” 
HP Lovecraft
Broken Frontier

“ Norm Konyu has done a wondrous thing, he’s taken old Lovecraft and made those tales sing.

At the Mountains of Madness
PopCult HQ

The illustrations, often full-page, are of a stunning beauty, worthy of being framed and hung in a museum.

Univers Comics
